We all know about the story of Joseph recorded in the following passage …7It came about after these events that his master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she said, "Lie with me." 8But he refused and said to his master's wife, "Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house, and he has put all that he owns in my charge. 9"There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?” 10 As she spoke to Joseph day after day, he did not listen to her to lie beside her or be with her. Now it happened one day that he went into the house to do his work, and none of the men of the household was there inside 12 She caught him by his garment, saying, "Lie with me!" And he left his garment in her hand and fled, and went outside..…Genesis 39:7-12
We live in a day and age when it is not easy to hear people justify anything under the pretext of, it is complicated, it is a grey issue, it is difficult. When people are hard pressed, they fight back with you do not understand, you have never been in my situation, you do not know what you are talking about. Unfortunately they do not mention God and what God’s word is saying concerning the situation. We have come up with a gazillion reasons to justify disobeying God.
Joseph will be justified if he committed adultery with Potiphar’s wife because of the following reasons;
1) Joseph was far away from home, sold by his brothers why did God allow this bad thing to happen to him?
2) Joseph had no support of the local church. He was all alone in the house of Potiphar and there were no other people there that were worshiping God.
3) He was living in a culture that was occupied in worshiping idols and it would have been Ok for him to sleep with his mater’s wife.
4) There was no regular Bible study for Joseph to be reminded of what God’s law required of him.
5) He was lonely and home sick and the companionship of his maters wife would have been a good distraction.
6) His master was gone most of the time and his wife was lonely and need somebody to be with her.
7) She was he mistress and had power over him, for Joseph was a slave and had no rights whatsoever.
8) Joseph would be justified for it is his mistress that came up with the proposal. She is the one that insisted. Joseph would have said, give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. My mistress has given me an instruction and I am just obeying orders. I am a slave and all I have to do is to obey.
9) Joseph was in charge of everything and adding his mistress to the list of responsibilities would have been just a call to duty.
10) To be the captain of the Guard his master Potiphar had to give up his manhood. In order words, he could not perform sexually. Therefore his wife had legitimate sexual needs that had to be met.
11) Out of compassion and pity for his starved mistress Joseph could have met her needs. What is wrong in meeting a genuine need?
12) There was nobody in the house the day his mistress grabbed him. This implies nobody will know about it.
13) Joseph was minding his own business and this woman kept asking in day in day out for him to go to be with him. He did not dress in a compromising way, he did not tempt the woman, but she kept bogging him. He could not leave the house because he was a slave.
14) Joseph was young, handsome and had sexual emotions that needed to be satisfied, for he had no wife at that time.
15) Sleeping with his mistress would have empowered him the more and it will feel good as well.
16) Who know he might have gained is freedom, because now that he is meeting his mistress needs she can talk with his master to release him.
17) Joseph had no mentors or role models to help him out.
18) God will forgive him after he sins for God understands.
19) The temptation was too much for this young man.
20) Others were doing the same thing.
We give many reasons why we do the things we do. We convince ourselves and those around us why it is OK to disobey God. For example, I needed that Job so badly that I have to lie on my resume; I had to sleep with that man or woman.
Joseph had every reason under the sun to disobey God, but he chose to obey God. He knew sleeping with his master’s wife was a SIN before God and it not a good thing to disobey God. Read the word, read the word, read the word and do not force the word to fit your situation. Most of the time we want the word to say what we want to hear this will get us into trouble.
May God help us to obey him!
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