Sunday, May 31, 2009

Youths Leaders of tomorrow?

I could not help but laugh at the days that were meant to be, but have never been. The promise of youths are the leaders of tomorrow. A catch phrase that is almost worn out because it has been used countless times in speeches during some of the celebrations we attended. It seems the youths are meant to remain youths indefinitely. What a country were the young shall remain young forever. It seems we have discovered the secret fountain of youth. Unfortunately, the youths are getting old, but those that are suppose to step down and give the youths a chance have tighten their grip on power.
Yes we sang CNU has brought progress to Cameroon and over night we changed the song to CPDM has brought progress to Cameroon. When I was a kid, I thought the name of our president was always going to be a Ahidjo. My assumption was that the presidency was handed over from father to son, just as it is done in my village and that the family name of the ruling family is Ahidjo. As such I was confused when were told early one morning as we were getting ready to match into our classes that our new president is Paul Biya. I might have been wrong then, but it seems I was right. Mr Biya inherited the presidency and is still there after more than 25 years and I hear he is going to be there perpetually. Was the constitution not changed last year to ensure this? Yes we are proud of our country and our able president. It seems he is the only one out there that can move the country forward. Each time change is mentioned we are reminded that things could be worst. Why do they not compare to other places were things are better. I mean much more better. You can play on the fears of a people for only so long. The youths are the leaders of tomorrow even if the present leaders pay only lip service to it.

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