Sunday, May 31, 2009

Youths Leaders of tomorrow?

I could not help but laugh at the days that were meant to be, but have never been. The promise of youths are the leaders of tomorrow. A catch phrase that is almost worn out because it has been used countless times in speeches during some of the celebrations we attended. It seems the youths are meant to remain youths indefinitely. What a country were the young shall remain young forever. It seems we have discovered the secret fountain of youth. Unfortunately, the youths are getting old, but those that are suppose to step down and give the youths a chance have tighten their grip on power.
Yes we sang CNU has brought progress to Cameroon and over night we changed the song to CPDM has brought progress to Cameroon. When I was a kid, I thought the name of our president was always going to be a Ahidjo. My assumption was that the presidency was handed over from father to son, just as it is done in my village and that the family name of the ruling family is Ahidjo. As such I was confused when were told early one morning as we were getting ready to match into our classes that our new president is Paul Biya. I might have been wrong then, but it seems I was right. Mr Biya inherited the presidency and is still there after more than 25 years and I hear he is going to be there perpetually. Was the constitution not changed last year to ensure this? Yes we are proud of our country and our able president. It seems he is the only one out there that can move the country forward. Each time change is mentioned we are reminded that things could be worst. Why do they not compare to other places were things are better. I mean much more better. You can play on the fears of a people for only so long. The youths are the leaders of tomorrow even if the present leaders pay only lip service to it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What is the place of Cultural Development Assocaitions in the 21st Century?

We are dealing with a very difficult and complicated issue. I have pondered over it many times and have not yet arrived any conclusion.
This issue is tied to the lack of nationalism that exists in Cameroon at large. I will not speak for the entire African continent. We still very much identify with our Fondoms. The reason being that, our cultural identity is still tired to where we were born, the language we speak, rites of passage, dressing, food etc.
On this forum we had an extended debt on what development is and the role of our traditions and customs in the 21st century. These questions are at the heart of the matter. There is need for adequate answers to some of the questions that were raise. For example what aspects of our cultures should be preserved? How do we transition to the 21st century and start looking at each other, not just in terms of Nweh, Mundani, Mock, Bami, Moghamo, Bayang, Beti, Fulani, Haussa, Bali, Mendankwe, etc but as Cameroonians.
The colonial masters played this card of diversity using it as a tool of divide and rule. The present political elites have fine tuned it and are using it better than their predecessors to achieve their selfish ambitions at the detriment of the people.
It is easy for those of us in the Diaspora to insist on ignoring the boundaries and moving ahead. We can not just ignore, we have to address the boundaries and divisions, for our developmental efforts are not going to be done in a vacuum. These developmental projects are going to be implemented amongst those at the grass roots and their input is highly needed.
Why are we even talking of a Lebailem development Association? The simple answer is that those of us from Lebailem believe that we understand our division better than "outsiders" and are the most equipped to take care of its needs. The fondom associations also hold this same assertion and we can not just sweep them under the rug. This same reasoning cuts across the whole country. Every ethnic group in Cameroon believes they can take better care of their own. That is why they demand for their own son to be appointed a minster so that they can have their own share of the national cake.
Why is it that a minister must come from our area for our needs to be met? It seems we have to take a very close look not only at our division but the way we as a nation operate. I am I asking for to much? May be. Let those that truly love Lebialem and I know they also will like to see Cameroon as a whole move forward think hard and come out with ideas that are workable.
The lack of grass root support has been raised and I think those at the grass roots are more conscious of their roots than the entire division. For example most still disfavour inter ethnic marriages. Belonging to a division does not automatically mean that people share the same language and culture. That is why quick fixes are not going to solve the problem.
Some wild thoughts on the way forward! We are we stock with this whole idea of Cultural Development Associations? Why don't we form associations that do not have ethnic overtones? It seems membership in our associations is by virtue of where you were born. This factor has far reaching implications on membership drive, fund raising and what that association can accomplish. Is it possible to form organizations that transcend our ethnic groups and can still bring development? I mean organizations that their membership is open to all who will buy their philosophy. To be continued…..

Friday, May 29, 2009

The need for people of character

Mr. Elvis
I must applaud your contribution, you hit the nail squarely on the head. My hope is that more and more Cameroonians will start looking at our society as you have just done.
We are caught in a vicious circle as you eloquently put it. But are we doomed? Is there hope? Can this vicious circle be broken? Permit me to say, yes we can break it. Yes there is hope and we all can make a difference.
There are three things that last; hope, faith and love. The greatest of then is love. Therefore we have to start with deep love for country and fellow country men. For this an essential quality that is missing amongst us.
Action speaks louder than words. Must of all profess love for our country, but our actions reveal our true state. We must also maintain hope at all times, for hopelessness drives mankind to extreme behaviour.
I understand the desire and cry for divine intervention. God has already done the divine intervention. The root cause of selfishness and chop a chop mentality is sin. God loved us be sending His only son Jesus Christ to pay the ultimate price for sin. He did this by dying on the cross for us, thereby paying the penalty of our sin.
Therefore those that truly repent of their sin and follow the teachings of the Lord will be good citizens. They will be salt and light in the society as the Holy book teaches. Their light will shine in the darkness that is surrounding us and this will force the darkness to retreat.
Our problem is a human problem. I say this because we as humans have the free will to choose what to do and not to do. We have the freedom to choose who to yield our bodies to. God is willing to use anybody to deliver our country from the hands of the tyrants that have taken our country hostage. For that to happen these individuals have to make themselves available. For God does not force his will on anybody. These individuals will need God’s help to develop character.
Character is not acquired in a day. It takes time, effort, self denial, sacrifice, love for others and the willingness to suffer for what you believe to develop the character. When our country is saturated with individuals of character, they will then usher into Cameroon the much needed change.
Mandela is highly celebrated, quoted and looked up to by many people. Why is this so? This question forced me to read the long walk to freedom. Which is a biography about his life. I wanted to see how he developed the character that enabled him to stay in prison for so many years. I realized that he had Judo Christian influences in his early life. For he professed to be a Christian when he was growing up. He had strong love for country and fellow South Africans. He was willing to suffer and die for something he believed in. That is the freedom of his people from the hands of their oppressors.
This qualities were not acquired in a day, it took him time and effort. A particular incident stroke me profoundly. When Mandela was a student an election was held and it seemed the out come was not going to favour the student body they were representing. As such Mandela and six other student leaders resigned. The principal of the college threatened to expel them from school. Five of the other students yielded to the pressure and Mandela did not. Because of his action, he did not get his BA from that institution. Remember getting a BA in those days was the life dream of many people. That not withstanding Mandela was being sponsored by a guardian. He had every reason to yield to pressure and not jeopardize his future and squander the meager resources of those who were sponsoring him. Mandela won a small battle and when the big one came he won with flying colours. The apartheid regime gave him many good offers, while he was in prison, but he turned them down. He said the people have to be free, for him to have any freedom.
He did not choose personal survival despite the fact that his personal interest was at stack. Most of us justify our actions by saying we want to survive. When you focus too much on your personal needs you will be drained of the potential to be of help to others.
Life is about giving and taking care of others. We all have great potential to impact our community and country positively. Remember you competed with millions of other potential you and emerged first. Why then do we settle for less later in life? I think we start operation from faulty information feed into us by our society, personal experience. For example chop a chop, God helps those who help themselves, give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, a got eats where it is tied, if others are doing it then it is ok for me to do same etc.
Instead of waiting for a messiah we have to acknowledge our contribution to the problem and start making the necessary changes in our lives. Our slogan should be love for country and others first. Please join me on and let your voice be heard.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fake Certificates

Are we surprised? Let those whose hands are clean cast the first stone? Who are the big fishes we are referring to? Our country has been ruined by “Chop a chop” We all try to take advantage of the system so long as it advances our selfish ambitions. We break the law with impunity in other to survive. Everybody treats the country as a chop farm. A chop farm that does not need to be cultivated, but has to deliver the goods perpetually. It is a big lie, if we do not invest in our country and up hold the laws of the land we are not going to prosper.
What goes run comes round. Who are we deceiving? When we change our birth certificates to evade retirement, to obtain jobs, to get into schools etc. What do we expect? No doubt unemployment is through the roof. A whole generation of talented young men and women have not been given that opportunity to fulfill their destinies. Millions lack basic necessities like portable water, electricity, motorable roads, health care and food. It is sad that, while the life expectancy in increasing in other parts of the world our own is dropping. Thousand of potential young men and women dying at prime age without contributing to the advancement of our nation.
Why blame those who fake certificates. Are we saying theirs is a greater evil? Please give us a break. There are some of us living in the Diaspora and still on the government payroll. Shame on you and your accomplices. The much needed change has to start at the level of individuals. If you can steal from the government at this level what will happen if you become one of the ministers? Most of us say if we are given a chance, we will take our own share of the national cake? National Cake? Who baked it? We as a people must realize that little drops of rain make an ocean and that our actions have an impact on others. Whenever we break the law we cause harm to others. There is not justification for not being law abiding. Laws are not window dressing they are the lubricants that make society move smoothly.

Dear all,

I found this an interesting read. Have a look.


The Government of Cameroon just released a list of 777 Government workers with fake certificates.

Sad to know that there are many Cameroonians with genuine certificates that can not find jobs. What is even more pathetic is that there are people with fake First School Leaving Certificates (FSLC). I am like if someone is incapable of obtaining a mere FSLC, I can only imagine how ineffective such a person can be in their duties. No doubt our nation has not moved an inch in the last 30 years.

I took a close look at the list and I could count only 12 fake English certificates and the rest you know…... If going by percentages then we can probably say only about 1.5% of the fake Certificates are of the Anglophone origin while a whopping 98.5% is therefore from our brothers West of the Mungo. Wow what a huge disappoint after we just celebrated our 37th year of this fake marriage for convenience known as national unity.

Wished something like this had been done earlier. I however commend the Government for taking this step and hopefully these persons shall be purged out of the system.

See complete list below.
Administration: La liste des 777 faux diplômés

Click to jump to 'Mutations'YAOUNDE - 22 MAI 2009
© Mutations

La présidence de la République et le ministère des Finances possèdent le plus gros effectif. Le communiqué de presse publié à l'issue du dernier conseil de cabinet, tenu le 30 avril dernier à l'immeuble Etoile avait particulièrement insisté, après un exposé du ministre en charge de la Fonction publique...

Le communiqué de presse publié à l'issue du dernier conseil de cabinet, tenu le 30 avril dernier à l'immeuble Etoile avait particulièrement insisté, après un exposé du ministre en charge de la Fonction publique, sur les couacs du processus de contractualisation des personnels temporaires de l'Etat et dont il ressortait que "sur les 17 558 agents temporaires recensés en 2007, 6 129 ont été déclarés inéligibles à la contractualisation pour divers motifs. Ils ont été libérés depuis le 31 décembre 2008 et percevront bientôt leurs droits. "
Le même communiqué poursuivait: "Par ailleurs, suite aux nombreux cas de fraude mis en lumière par le processus d'authentification de diplômes, 971 personnes préalablement déclarées éligibles seront radiées. " Cette opération, qui était déjà en phase terminale, vient de voir la publication par le Minfopra, avec l'appui du ministère des Finances, d'une liste de 777 faux diplômes avérés.

La situation est préoccupante parce que cette liste ne concerne que 2000 dossiers déjà passés à la vérification et à l'authentification, sur les plus de 9.000 personnels à contractualiser. C'est dire l'ampleur du phénomène des faux diplômes dans notre système éducatif qui, dans le cas d'espèce, concerne principalement les "petits diplômes" : Cepe, Bepc, Cap.

Autre tendance, les grosses poches de concentration de faux diplômes sont le ministère des Finances (275 cas pour l'instant) et la présidence de la République (165 cas). Et déjà des voix se font entendre pour indiquer le niveau de catastrophe que nous atteindrons si les dossiers des cadres sont ouverts… Le Premier ministre va-t-il franchir le cap en acceptant de faire ouvrir la boîte de pandore?

Contrôle supérieur de l'Etat
1- Mefiré Mouminou Cepe

Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement rural
2- Abba Goni Karagama Cepe
3- Alain Ousmane Bello Bac
4- Blobaguibimo Roger Bepc
5- Frankline Agbor Ayuis Cap
6- Manyo Roland Bertrand Bepc
7- Mbomezom Hélène Bac
8- Moussa Eyango Aggee Cepe
9- Ndom Jean Pierre Bepc
10- Nkou Alembe Madeleine Cepe
11- Tchipang Cepe
12- Ze Jeanne Samanta Cepe

Ministère des Affaires sociales
13- Ango Jean Paul Cap
14- Bah Gallus Bah Fslc
15- Bella Jeannine Béatrice Cepe
16- Bessetegne Thérèse Bepc
17- Dang Jeanne Cap
18- Essiane Ella Léopoldine Cap
19- Eyono Marie Brigitte Bepc
20- Fifen Ousseni Cepe
21- Lenoun Angeligue Ladouce Bepc
22- Mamende Eliezer Bepc
23- Mbadi Brigitte Aurelie Bepc
24- Nnang Dieudonne Cepe
25- Relindis Vasona Fslc
26- Tawe Emmanuel Yembe Fslc
27- Tsogo Virginie Carine Bepc
28- Yangne Honorine Dorothée Probatoire
29- Yombi Guehoada Cepe
30- Zang Manga Engelbert Rody Licence

Ministère de l'Administration territoriale et de la Décentralisation
31- Afoubou Elisabeth Marinette Bepc
32- Anyangwe Théresia Akwi Gce O/L
33- Evina Ango Marthe Probatoire
34- Ibis Andre Victor Cepe
35- Manga Anisette Virginie Epse Fouda Onana Bepc
36- Manga Eveline Cepe
37- Mba Liliane Franche Probatoire
38- Mbarga Foe Marcelle Bac
39- Memoli Amélie Angeline Bepc
40- Ndzie Ossongo Simonie Cepe
41- Ngo Mbo'o Zogo Elisabeth Bepc
42- Ngo Noo Lydie Francois Bepc
43- Ngono Agnès Cepe
44- Noa Nkolo Clément Bac
45- Nomo Jean Claude Cap
46- Oyono Manick Epse Evina Bepc

Ministère de la Communication
47- Deffo Née Peka Suzanne Flore Bepc
48- Epounde Jean Claude Cepe
49- Youbi Marinette Probatoire
50- Aboubakar Garba Bepc
51- Mbourno Jacqueline Cepe
52- Wiga Mboutwe Chantal Cepe
53- Mendouga Mbomo Marie Madeleine Maîtrise

Ministère de la Culture
54- Onana Francois Cepe
55- Ekwoge Née Ntoko Marfarete Dione Gce A/L

Domaines Et Affaires Foncières
56- Ahmed Hassan Cepe
57- Elandi Benoît Robert Bepc
58- Brahim Ahmadou Yya Bepc
59- Mbang Cécile Chantal Bepc
60- Nkono Tobie Marcel Cepe
61-Nkoubard Aristide Olivier Bepc
62- Tsemo Djoum Adèle Maitrise

Ministère de la Défense
63- Abéga Andre Marie Joseph Bepc
64- Bekima Paul Max Licence
65- Kassi Herman Sylvie Cepe
66- Mekongo Mbie Benoît Cepe
67- Meyanga Née Mvondo Mvondo Denise Probatoire
68- Ndere Marie Claude Bac
69- Ndzala Paul Richard Bac
70- Ngala Joseph Cepe
71- Ngo Njiki Rosalie Daaas
72- Njayou Née Chagnouet Njingoumbe A. A. Probatoire
73- Shubesi David Ngongalan Cap
74- Tanayen Anthony Cepe

Ministère du Développement urbain et de l'Habitat
75- Abane Jules Jonas Cepe
76- Abomo Marie Solange Bac
77- Bella Ernest Cepe
78- Bikok Hiag Dieudonné Probatoire
79-Bistsong Née Tangha Leunkwi Annie . Maîtrise
80- Cyrille Eve Manedong Tsafack Bac
81- Halilou Cepe
82- Jocelyn Azinkeng Lefangha Probatoire
83- Messina Mpesse Sidonie Probatoire
84- Meyong Marguerite Flore Cepe
85- Minyem-Bilemle Bienvenu Bepc
86- Moki Lisinge Charles Cepe
87- Ndanga Paulin Cepe
88- Ndigene Sylvestre Maîtrise
89- Nkene Naomie Cap
90- Nyivan Nang Bepc
91- Oumar Ildoko Bepc
92- Tchouta Kwengoua Gertrude Aurelie Licence
93-Tegueyem Georges Augustin Bac
94- Tiogo Vincent Maîtrise
95- Tumamo Mirelle Sandrine Bac
96- Yengue Berthe Mell- Rose Cepe

Ministère de l'Eau et de l'Energie
97- Francis Fokum Tekum Cap
98- Kolieghu Nee Leumaleu Kametcha L. L. Licence
99- Manso Régine Mbah Capacité
100- Tele Jacques Cepe

Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle
101- Abdouraman Haman Bepc
102- Afom Meye Fridoline Bepc
103- Domfang Simo Vickie Myriam Bac
104- Koudoum Kengne Romaric Bepc
105- Lombo Moukoko Rose Dominique Bepc
106- Mvondo Mezang Maurice Jérôme Maîtrise

Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature
107- Djouaka Née Djoutsop Nandjou S. Laure Maîtrise
108- Sadjo Ousmanou Bepc

Ministère de l'Economie, de la Planification et de l'Aménagement du territoire
109- Atada Née Ngono Assoula Christine Bepc
110- Ateba Marie Josephe Victorine Bts
111- Domdii Viviane Nadine Blanche Bac
112- Elandi Elandi Honorine Laure Bepc
113- Elanga Florent Bepc
114- Eloundou Augustin Cap
115- Engolo Arthur Yannick Cepe
116- Etoga Paul Hubert Cap
117- Foe Née Edoa Zanga Marie Laure Cap
118- Massara Wahiele Solange Bepc
119- Mazo'o Crescence Nadine Bepc
120- Mbogba Jacques Bepc
121- Mengue Ernestine Viviane Bepc
122- Mfegue Guy Martin Bepc
123- Minko Mi Ngondena Jean Cyrille Bac
124- Djip Ii Justin Boniface Probatoire
125- Ngo Gwet Sarah Delphine Probatoire
126- Nyunai Pierre Pelot Bepc
127- Obiang Christian Michel Bac
128- Ondoa Mintunou Nicole Marie Bepc
129- Tankeu Esaïe Dut
130- Thomas Etomonda Ntanji Cap

Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires
131- Aoudou Guy Roland Cepe
132- Henry Njoh Mwambofslc
133- Mbah Née Ngah Meliga Salomé Licence
134- Ngale Emmanuel Mbella Lieve Fslc
135- Tonye Paul Cepe

Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur
136- Anamba Danielle Marie Paule Bepc
137- Atangana Joseph Clarisse Bac
138- Atangana Mballa Faustin Bepc
139- Belibi Tschoungui Faustin Parfait Dea
140- Bengono Luc Dieudonné Nicaise Cepe
141- Bevinya Mpouadina Etienne Bac
142- Bissaï Boniface De La Grâce Bepc
143- Edzoa, Née Nga Mbida Florentine Bepc
144- Lipe Yacouba Maîtrise
145- Marie Thérèse Adzaba Cepe
146- Mbala Barnabé Paul Probatoire
147- Mballa Paul Barnabé Probatoire
148- Mekongo, Née Medji Régine Cepe
149- Ndjana Leba Georges Laurent Bepc
150- Nganana Xaverie Bepc
151- Ngtjele Jeannine Nicole Probatoire

Ministère des Finances
152- Abam Née Bate Tambe Juliana Probatoire
153- Abate Zoua Marie Céline Bepc
154- Abe Messi Marthe Probatoire
155- Abega Atedjoe Hyacinthe Jean Licence
156- Bega Atangana Martin Claude Probatoire
157- Abena Serge Bac
158- Abiesse Jules Bepc
159- Abomo Sylvie Beatrice Bepc
160- Abondo Abondo Zephyrin Bac
161- Aboudi Patrick Marcel Licence
162- Ada Hermine Irene Bac
163- Adamou Malam Bello Bepc
164- Afanda Sandrine Cap
165- Ahmadou Tidjani Bepc
166- Akamba Tangono Clémentine Bac
167- Alayi Tobe Bepc
168- Alegue Dieudonné Bepc
169- Alima Sama Marie Maîtrise
170- Ambassa Thierry Bepc
171- Amos Cham Kum Probatoire
172- Amougou Abeng Odile Hélène Probatoire
173- Amougou Jean Secondin Probatoire
174- Amougou Pierre Médard Bac
175- Amvembe Jonathan Cepe
176- Assah Félix Cepe
177- Assene Joseph Désiré Probatoire
178- Asseng Pascal Bac
179- Atanga Vivian Njweng Gce O/L
180- Atangana Ambassa Paul Christian Yves Bepc
181- Atangana Many Roger Cap
182- Atangana Mendong Adrienne Marie C. Bepc
183- Atangana Née Avebe Nkotto Sophie Meyo Bepc
184- Atangana Née Avebe Nkotto Sophie Meyo Bepc
185- Atsama Marie Thérèse Bts
186- Ava Esso Sylvie Bepc
187- Avouzoa Owono Rosalie Probatoire
188- Awono Biloa Thomas D'aquin Bepc
189- Awono Lebongo Jean Cepe
190- Awoutou Andegue Damien Maîtrise
191- Ayissi Suzanne Bac
192- Banag Bout Alain Bertrand Bepc
193- Bandakouassimo Jérémie Probatoire
194- Baniny Gisele Marguerite Bac
195- Beas Nee Ngo Malet Clarisse Bac
196- Bekolo Godefroy Probatoire
197- Belibi Pascal Florent Martial Licence
198- Bella Mimbe Thierry Bts
199- Belle Ndzana Agathe Honorine Bepc
200- Bezengue Mebang Antoine Jean Bac
201- Bidoula Nkoulou Calvin Serge Licence
202- Bidzogo Alice Marie Bts
203- Bikele Awono Ambroise Bac
204- Bikwe Timothée Cap
205- Bila Eveline Olive Bac
206- Bilo'o Suzanne Barbara Nadège Bepc
207- Bisso Abessolo Stéphane Maîtrise
208- Bwelle Job Bepc
209- Divine Gwandi Licence
210- Djambou Maurice Maîtrise
211- Djekonoh Pierre Cepe
212- Djouh Tsogo Virginie Bepc
213- Dongmo Nguetsop Jeannette Hortense Bts
214- Dzou Etoundi Lucien Armand Bepc
215- Eba Medou Jeanne Merline Florence Bac
216- Eba Ngandjok Marie Rosie Bac
217- Ebode Andre Francois Maîtrise
218- Eboko Gabriel Probatoire
219- Ebozoa Tsila Francois Cepe
220- Edou Bekala Guillaume Licence
221- Edou Gilberto Cepe
222- Effa Martial Bac
223- Ekassi Thérèse Capacité
224- Ekee Tono Cap
225- Ekoudi Effengue Marceline Probatoire
226- Ekoundi Ebanga Régine Cap
227- Ella Marcellin Grégoire Cap
228- Elongue Awanga Prudence Bepc
229- Emini Jean Bts
230- Emvoudou Elizabeth Bepc
231- Enganimoul Georges Patrick Probatoire
232- Eppee Mbango Elisabeth Bts
233- Essama Eugénie Clotilde Bepc
234- Essane Eveline Arlette Bac
235- Essiane Bessala Samson Bepc
236- Essimi Ayissi Marie Clotilde Probatoire
237- Esso Fono Maryon Bepc
238- Essola Christine Bac
239- Essomba Essomba Désiré Probatoire
240- Essombe Andrée Bepc
241- Etene Louis Claire Bepc
242- Eto'o Jean Probatoire
243- Etoua Ondo Charles Valère Probatoire
244- Etougou Berthe Gertrude Capacité
245- Etoundi Nama Agathe Bac
246- Etoundi Née Noubissie Nkemboe Nicole Bts
247- Etoundi Siméon Probatoire
248- Evengue Avela Elise Monique Probatoire
249- Evina Caroline Bts
250- Evina Nkoumou Gabriel Probatoire
251- Evoundou Jean Probatoire
252- Eyango Soppo Augustine Arline Bepc
253- Eyike Née Sophie Germaine Bisso Licence
254- Foe Zame Doline Bepc
255- Fokoue Nouze Bony Anthony Licence
256- Fono Eya'ane Jean Probatoire
257- Fouda Thérèse Mispa Epse Mouthe Cap
258- Hamidou Ibrahim Licence
259- Hassana Madi Bepc
260- Ilounga Mekoulou Hortense Bac
261- John Tabot Takor Cepe
262- Kongnyuy Clementina Shiynyuy Gce O/L
263- Koungou Séverin Ferdinand Bac
264- Kpessi Marie Irène Bepc
265- Kwepa Nemzou Nathalie Rose Bac
266- Ladem Celine Mirabelle Bts
267- Letchou Biouele Isabelle Tatiana Licence
268- Likound Moussi Simon Pierre Probatoire
269- Limalla Ngbwa Marie Christiane Bepc
270- Litouyou Aliyou Bepc
271- Londi Nicaise Bepc
272- Magon Chantal Bepc
273- Makongo Renée Ne Se Retrouve Nulle P. Probatoire
274- Manda Abega Michel Bac
275- Manga Membile Emmanuel Licence
276- Manga Zambo Ndzie Ahanda Francine M. Maîtrise
277- Manguele Maîtrise
278- Marie Asso'o Bac
279- Mballa Née Ngawa Marie Salomé Cap
280- Mbarga Alice Marie Paule Probatoire
281- Mbarga Effa Jean Pierre Bepc
282- Mbarga Owono Martin Cepe
283- Mbazoa Anastasie Cepe
284- Mbazoa Marie Joséphine Probatoire
285- Mbe Mbe Luc Aimé Bepc
286- Mbeka Nko'o Etienne Bts
287- Bengono Nyatte Agnès Leonie Bac
288- Mbeti Bikolo Philippe Capacité
289- Mbezele Marie Louise Bac
290- Mbida Gaston Capacité
291- Mbita Ondo Chapelin Bepc
292- Mbo Mireille Désirée Bts
293- Mboe Alain Martin Bepc
294- Mboe Marie Chantal Félise Licence
295- Mbogo Essame Luc Thierry Capacité
296- Mboy Mireille Maîtrise
297- Me Mayo Bepc
298- Mebiame Mebiame Eric-Christian Licence
299- Medang Majesté Cepe
300- Medjo M'adjomo Alain Ryter Bac
301- Mefoumane Mvondo Catherine Bac
302- Meka'a Hippolyte Parfait Probatoire
303- Melounou Atéba Prudence Bepc
304- Melounou M'owono Maîtrise
305- Menanga Télesphore Achille Bac
306- Mendouga Marie Ruphine Licence
307- Mengue Carine Nathalie Cap
308- Mengue Fono Salomé Bepc
309- Mengue Mbarga Delphine martial Bac
310- Mengue Olame Isabelle Flore Maîtrise
311- Menguele Ngotta Francoise Yvette Bepc
312- Mentom Atangana Crescence Nadine Bepc
313- Menyie Jeanne Claudine Bac
314- Messi Marie Louise Falone Cepe
315- Messono Angèle Bepc
316- Metouna Thérèse Marlyse Capacité
317- Meva'a Serge Herve Probatoire
318- Mimbe Ewole Yolande Bepc
319- Mimboé Foé Marie Julienne Bac
320- Mindzie Marie Anne Bepc
321- Minfouma Onana Clarisse Ernestine Licence
322- Minko Francois Capacité
323- Mintyene Angounou René Bepc
324- Missboum Maimouna Solange Bac
325- Modo Zeh Marcellin Tobie Capacité
326- Mohamadou Bac
327- Mokom George Mbuh Gce A/L
328- Monde Kentouma Bepc
329- Moneyekombo Abondo Pierre Paul Probatoire
330- Mounchingam Adamou Probatoire
331- Mousseni Pierre Julien Bepc
332- Mulo Gladys Bac
333- Mve Germaine Vedette Astride Bac
334- Mvomo Ngabeloui Jeanne Hortense Bac
335- Nambele Narcisse Licence
336- Ndo Ezo'o Adèle Bepc
337- Ndo Ndo Vincent Bepc
338- Ndoh Agnès Carole Bepc
339- Ndondo Abate Jean Pierre Licence
340- Ndono Enguele Rachel Cepe
341- Ndzedza Okounou Marie Laure Bts
342- Ndzie Zambo Marie Salomé Bepc
343- Negou Née Kemmegne Sindjouong H. Cepe
344- Nga Messi Henriette Florence Probatoire
345- Nga Micheline Rosette Cap
346- Nga Mvomo Marthe Judith Bac
347- Ngack Donatien Désiré Cap
348- Ngah Marie Bernadette Cap
349- Ngambo Jacqueline Chelcy Cap
350- Ngamessi Françoise Bepc
351- Ngawono Marie Thérèse Bepc
352- Ngazibi Sabine Bepc
353- Ngbwa Jean Georges Bepc
354- Ngo Kaki Hortense Licence
355- Ngo Ndenga Brigitte Bepc
356- Ngo Nkit Suzanne Nadège Bepc
357- Ngo Nsadack Marguerite Soleil Bepc
358- Ngondo Dorothée Marcelle Cap
359- Ngu Aponde Léonard Cepe
360- Nguenda Obama Probatoire
361- Nguewo Jaurès Valdès Gce O/L
362- Nguidom Engele Celvie Licence
363- Nguina Alice Cap
364- Nguini Abega Simon Pierre Bts
365- Ninou Huguette Sandrine Deug
366- Njock Marie Agnès Bts
367- Njoh Ewane Gabin Duclair Licence
368- Nkolo Akoutou Nadine Edith Probatoire
369- Nkolo Virginie Bepc
370- Nkotto Simon Cepe
371- Nkou Salomon Sylvère Bac
372- Nkoulou Eyamo Josette Pélagie Probatoire
373- Nkoum Joséphine Bac
374- Nono Née Tcheufa Njiele F. C. L Bepc
375- Nonyou Mbadi Joseph Cepe
376- Noubissi Sando Licence
377- Nsang Parfait Magloire Maîtrise
378- Nsizo'a Ndanga Marie Louise Probatoire
379- Nsom Eyenga Née Sapouma Loung E. . Licence
380- Ntilla Etienne Maîtrise
381- Ntoh Ebwel Nicole Patricia Maîtrise
382- Ntollo Marie Huguette Bepc
383- Ntolo Medjo Ruth Bac
384- Ntolo Ntsama Hubert Bruno Bepc
385- Ntsama Bella Stéphane Bepc
386- Ntsama Nataniel Cepe
387- Nyadang Pauline Probatoire
388- Nyake Céline Félicité Bepc
389- Nyangon Patient Bac
390- Nyangono Méka Corine Sylvie Maîtrise
391- Oba'a Sasse Eugène Probatoire
392- Omgba Marcelline Probatoire
393- Omgba Omgba Henri Dieudonné Bac
394- Omgbawa Achille Probatoire
395- Onana Aloys Olivier Capacité
396- Onana Benjamin Jacques Bac
397- Onana Lucien Bienvenu Cepe
398- Ondoua Akoa Rolland Licence
399- Otsa Otsa Alvine Florette Bepc
400- Ousmane Oumar Bepc
401- Owandja Asse Alexandre Bac
402- Owona Denis Licence
403- Owona Elise Ghislaine Sandrine Licence
404- Owoundi Luc Alfred Debussy Probatoire
405-Oyo Essombo Chantal Cap
406- Oyono Essame René David Bac
407- Same Nsame Téclaire Maîtrise
408- Siewe Née Charlotte Momokye Licence
409- Taiga Jean Pierre Capacité
410- Tang Meke Evelyne Nicole Maîtrise
411- Tanga Ndzomo Generaud Eric Bepc
412- Tchakounte née Tchambou Cheukam P. Bts
413- Tchatchouang Njampou Clovis Bac
414- Tchafa Njibanb Agata Chantal Bepc
415- Temgoua Fabien Bac
416- Tombi Pierre Probatoire
417- Touye Dieudonné Désirée Cap
418- Tovi Cathérine Licence
419- Zang née Mimbo'o Gisele Augustine Capacité
420- Ze Lucienne Cap
421- Zili Dany Jean Calvin Bepc
422- Zinga Ambomo Jules ambroise Maîtrise
423- Zobo Bienvenue Vittale Maîtrise
424- Zollo Samuel Claude Licence
425- Zomo Georgin Mistral Bac
426- Zoua Ndoro Thamar Bepc

Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune
427- Ambadiang Onana Maurice Cap
428- Ayuk Maurice Otup Cepe
429- Bessong née Takang Sussan Enow Maîtrise
430- Diangi Edwin Tande Cepe
431- Maza Roger Bepc
432- Moussa née Mbesso Solange Bepc
433- Ngnie Motouom Yollande Michel Bepc

Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la réforme administrative
434 Andela Lebogo laurent Alexis Cepe
435 Mebenga Mebenga Joseph Cepe
436 Nkwenty Bernadette Nangwi Cepe
437 Nyondje Ayoka Jean Paul Cepe

Ministère des Mines et du développement technologique
438- Assuomboe Tsogo Barbare Bepc
439- Bitouni Alexis Probatoire
440- Bouba Ousmanou Bepc
441- Ekena Nko Eugenie Solange Bac
442- Kouba Félicité Bac
443- Manty Lies Yolande Bepc
444- Mbazoa Owona Ruphine Cap
445- Mbek Ondoua Charlotte Bac
446- Ngono Marie Claude Bac
447- Mbeh Bekala Philomène Sorel Bepc
448- Manfred Menyoli Woleta Fslc
449- Manguissal née Mangoung Blondine Cepe
450- Sime Antoine Séverin Bac
451- Vondou Pierre Eptise Comptable II
452- Abida Joseph Probatoire
453- Ango Patrice Cepe
454- Barama Barnabas Cepe
455- Dangmo Djidihaï Bepc
456- Dimbeck Laurent Probatoire
457- Djenabou Bepc
458- Enekeyene Célestine Cap
459- Etongue Robert Etongiue Cepe
460- Habibatou Bepc
461- Harouna Ousmana Bac
462- Kpwe Isidore Wong Cap
463- Makouet Anne Bepc
464- Mekano Abdoulaye Bac
465- Melingui Rose Rose Maîtrise
466- Metso Tsang Judith Bac
467- Mohaman Toukour Bepc
468- Mvondo Mvondo Charlotte Capacité
469- Ndengue Bindzi Marguerite Chantal Bepc
470- Ngah Salome Samedi Cap
471- Ngo Makani Régine Eliane Bepc
472- Ngo Njog Léonie Céline Cap
473- Nkongo Jean Calvin Bepc
474- Ntanengam Zenabou Bepc
475- Nzomo Claire Capacité
476- Oumarou Yaya Maîtrise
477- Oumate Mahama Cepe
478- Sop André Hilaire Bepc
479- Soppo Ngombe Fanny Bepc
480- Tendongmo Edward Asaba Cepe
481- Tientcheu Tchamebe Raphael Bts
482- Towo née Tchemeleu Koitchap Françoise Cap
483- Zeh Eulalie Probatoire

Ministère de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille
484- Akono Nathalie Romaine Bepc
485- Awono Jean-Narcisse Cepe
486- Bassog Minthou Joseph Cepe
487- Biock Luc Edouard Bepc
488- Bitomo Cyriac Jean Cap
489- Celine Ngoke Elume Gce O/L
490- Edou Edou Michel Cepe
491- Ekole née Vivian Pembe Njemo Cap
492- Evelyn Oben née Oben Cepe
493- Ngane Jean Cepe
494- Ngo Ngue Marie-Hervée Bepc
495- Ntuba Michael Aduma Gce A/L
496- Sohna Bout Samning Mathias Probatoire
497- Tongne Lobe Cepe
498- Wayang André Cepe

Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'innovation
499- Haman Aminou Maîtrise
500- Kouamo Djomo Josiane Bepc
501- Mandeng née Ngo Pouth Marie Thérèse Bepc
502- Ngo Bayock Marie Ruth Cap
503- Njikam Anne Bepc
504- Ntjam François Bac
505- Tchanga Ada Valerie Cepe
506- Tsopgo Demonou Bienvenu Tango Probatoire

Ministère des Relations Extérieures
507- Ngamli Amadou Bepc
508- Ntamack Lydie Sidonie Probatoire
509- Sepeuwou Mbomo Nadège Bac

Ministère de la santé publique
510- Abani Abanchime Adam Cepe
511- Akamba Mbia Honorine Cepe
512- Anang Eveline Youh Cepe
513- Anzie Nzhiou Christianne Cepe
514- Asmaou Boubakary Bepc
515- Ateba Alphonse Bepc
516- Belomo Martine Pelagie Bepc
517- Bessala Lucien Cap
518- Beyala Blandine Iveline Cepe
519- Bidima Salome Bepc
520- Bikie Sylvie Yolande Bepc
521- Biloa Ekassi Nina Madeleine Cepe
522- Boyomo Boyomo Patric Bepc
523- Edouka Megale Aniston Loïque Cepe
524- Ekoungou Charles Sylver Cepe
525- Elimi Bodo Pangrace Vianie Bepc
526- Embolo Olinga Simonie Jeanne Beac
527- Enyegue Philomène Désirée Bepc
528- Etenga Nguena Valerie Cap
529- Hamadou Gembo Zenebou Bepc
530- Itoe Peter Melako Cepe
531- Manga Nsoudou Agnès Bepc
532- Mballa Marie-Huguette Cepe
533- Mbock née Nkomba Ebelle Héleine C. Bac
534- Mbono Eloundou Stéphanie Bepc
535- Memiafang Kayo Cécile Cepe
536- Meyie Mengue Françoise Cepe
537- Mfini Virginie Bepc
538- Monjoa Mbella Helen Cepe
539- Mpouet Marie Michele Bepc
540- Nchare Linedjoum Timothée Cepe
541- Ndzana Ndjodo Lucien Bepc
542- Ndzana Ndzomo Bepc
543- Nforbuteh Joseph Asangwa Cepe
544- Ngo Bandon Cécile Bepc
545- Njei Elias Ambe Cepe
546- Njie Alexander Ngombe Cepe
547- Nkata Valerie Cepe
548- Nkwechu Daniel Nkweje Cepe
549- NNoh Jeanne Léocadie Cap
550- Ntomb Luc Bepc
551- Nwellem née Yet Kawah Jibas Cap
552- Nyenti Gilbert Enow Cepe
553- Olle Afane Jean Marie Cap
554-Sunjo Jannet Kibong Cepe
555- Tangono Mbida Joceline Cepe
556- Tankouo Blaise Cepe
557- Tema Patience Cepe
558- Theresia Ewokolo Njie Cepe

Ministère des Transports
559- Andomo Calixte Clarisse Cepe
560- Che Mbu Cletus Cepe
561- Edjane Epane Marina Ange Probatoire
562- Etetere Koulousse Alice Monique Bts
563- Gnamesse Bidjanga Angèle Aimée Bepc
564- Kamdoum Djeumeni Cécile Capacité
565- Menye Embolo Philomène Bepc
566- Mohamadou Baba Bepc
567- Noah Didier Bepc
568- Salong Mot Dieudonné Bac
569- Yatahat Jean Cepe
570- Ze Serge Francis Bepc

Ministère du tourisme
571- Bidzogo Tsamga Noelle Dorothée Maîtrise
572- Mairamou Abdoulaye Probatoire
573- Malai Fidèle Probatoire
574- Mengue Judith Géraldine Bts

Ministère des Travaux publics
575- Ambassa Joseph Elisée Bac
576- Atonzong Leopold Cap
577- Belinga Mbarga Rose Nathalie Probatoire
578- Douma Jeanne Gisèle Bepc
579- Essosso Boniface Cepe
580- Etoundi Ambassa Joseph Elisée Bac
581- Gilbert Fokagu Fozieh Cepe
582- Heunga Anni D'Arc Bepc
583- Kibong Ezekiel Tunglu Cepe
584- Medjo Aristide Joël Bepc
585- Minko Olinga Angèle Marie Noël Bac
586- Mogoum Tagne Julienne Nadine Probatoire
587- Ngono Aki Sylvie Séraphine Bepc
588- Nguatem John Cepe
589- Nkongue Ebongue Quy Ernest Probatoire
590- Noah Ekobena Clément Bepc
591- Nyebe Mbia Jean Marie Armand Bepc
592- Ondoa Awoumou Didier Cap

Ministère du Travail et de la sécurité sociale
593- Abeng Françoise Jeannine Cap
594- Atcham Jean Leonard Probatoire
595- Maie Marguerite Bolo Licence
596- Mballa Roger Cepe
597- Ntomba Bela Aloys Bepc
598- Nyassame Marthe Cepe
599- Omgba Olama Simon Pierre Bepc

Présidence de la République
600- Abba Hassan Bepc
601- Abbas Cepe
602- Abbe Abbe Jean Christian Bac
603- Akamba Abanda Agnès Bepc
604- Ako Elisabeth Cepe
605- Akoa Akoa Guillaume Bepc
606- Akoa Anicet Roméo Pachelli Cepe
607- Alima Monique Mimosette Bepc
608- Ambomo Séraphine Cepe
609- Angoa Epoko Serge Cepe
610- Anguissoh Alama Rosalie Marie Cepe
611- Antibo Ndom Irine Pamela Bepc
612- Anya Aimé Albain Alain Probatoire
613- Aoudou Lahi Ibrahim Bepc
614- Ateba Marie Paule Bepc
615- Ateba Ngono Thomas Cepe
616- Atyame Betolo Mireille Bepc
617- Avoto Mindjomo Janvier Antoine Cepe
618- Aya'a Aya'a Christian Franck Probatoire
619- Aye Monique Probatoire
620- Aye Wouapet Francine Cap
621- Ayi Amougui Brice Roméo bepc
622- Banah Christine Chantal Bepc
623- Bekono Daniel Cap
624- Bekono Tagui Christophe Probatoire
625- Belinga Ndongo Zacharie Bac
626- Bena Belinga née Edima Agathe J. Probatoire
627- Beng Mbeng Serge Armand Bepc
628- Bengono Blaise Didier Cepe
629- Bessala Appolinaire Junior Bt
630- Betima Bitti André Verlain Bepc
631- Bodio Kpwolom Emmanuel Bepc
632- Bombe née Mvongo Christine Laurette Cap
633- Danko Marie Corinne Cepe
634- Degradot Mbarga Marie Salome Cepe
635- Djanal Thomas Cepe
636- Djibo Dandy Cepe
637- Djidjoua Baba Cap
638- Djomo Minyono Marie Claire Cepe
639- Djoukouo Signe Danielle Cepe
640- Dopta Félix Bepc
641- Edzoa Ngono Marie Joseph Bepc
642- Ekoman Monti Didier Cepe
643- Ekoto Ango Jeanne Bepc
644- Ekoto Véronique Nadège Bepc
645- Ekouma Alphonse Placide Cap
646- Elanga Zouame Jean Paul Probatoire
647- Emembe Lydie Irène Cepe
648- Elouna née Nnomo Blandine Probatoire
649- Eloundou Mvolo André Ernest Bepc
650- Eloundou Onomo Ferdinand Cap
651- Amah Mballa Elisabeth Solange Bepc
652- Enama Enama Ambroise Bepc
653- Endom Mback Louis Bepc
654- Enyegue Enyegue Jacques Cap
655- Enyouma Madeleine Bepc
656- Essama Clément Bepc
657- Essengue Alima André Marie Cap
658- Essissima née Obama Obara Marie S. Bt
659- Essogo Owona Germain Gervais Cepe
660- Essoma Anya Benjamin Cepe
661- Essomba Ndengue Gilbert Bepc
662- Essong Sangon née Nga Etolo Rosalie Cepe
663- Essono Damien Cepe
664- Eto Bitti joseph Bac
665- Etoundi Jacques Cepe
666- Eva Paul Steve Cepe
667- Evina Nkoumou Serge Olivier Bepc
668- Evina Charles Arsène Cepe
669- Ewane Atangana Pauline Pulchérie Cepe
670- Ewane Olaoni Alfred Bepc
671- Eyono Daisy anielle Bepc
672- Feulifack Tsetagho Paul Gabriel Cepe
673- Fimba Mbida Antoine Bt
674- Foe Ndi Frédéric Cap
675- Fouego Jiazet Joël Bac
676- Foumane Ebo'o Cepe
677- Foumou Theo Eduardo Cap
678- Guigou Ndiomo Cap
679- Haman François Bepc
680- James Tabe Orock Bac
681- Kame Max Bepc
682- Kede Moïse Armel Cepe
683- Koa Blaise Cepe
684- Kokra née Bilo'o Suzanne Barbara. N Bepc
685- Komzoh Gouah Nicaise André Cap
686- Kouoh Guy Edgar Bepc
687- Lebolo Appolonie epc
688- Lemana Elise Marie Bac
689- Manjia Rachidetou Cepe
690- Mballa Benoît Guy Charles Hervé Cap
691- Mbea Mbea Benjamin N. Cap
692- Mbolo Mbeza Lucie Cepe
693- Medjo Atangana Anne Marie Cepe
694- Medjo Derrick Cepe
695- Mefo Atangana Marie Laure Bepc
696- Mekongo Ohana hilippe Boban Probatoire
697- Mekongo Ombiono Louis Florent Bth
698- Mekoulou Eloa Raphaël Probatoire
699- Mekoulou Télesphore Dieudonné Cepe
700- Melingui Marie Louise Cepe
701- Mendouga Baltazar Armand Rodrigue Cepe
702- Mengue Joseph Rufine Bienvenu Probatoire
703- Menounga Augustin Cap
704- Mentsale Frangine Sidonie Dipl d'infirmier Adj.
705- Menyengue Tsala Jean Calvin Cepe
706- Messi Ndengue Godfroy Bepc
707- Messina Hélène Sandrine Cepe
708- Metini née Dinwamwa Nsombo Annie Bepc
709- Meyo Meva'a Chantal Cepe
710- Mgbwa Medou Henri Salome Bepc
711- Minkala Ntsang Jean Marie Cap
712- Minkoulou Maurice Camille Bepc
713- Monsang Luc Ailier Cepe
714- Moaboulou Moaboulou Omer Stéphane Bepc
715- Momendeng Salomon Bepc
716- Mvilongo koumeda René Dieudonné Cepe
717- Nang zanga Osias Bac
718- Ndedi Kouamkang Dieudonné Licence
719- Ndeme Ayangma Louis Marie Cap
720- Ndengue Thierry Achille Licence
721- Ndi Fouda Joseph Roland Probatoire
722- Ndjendon Ernest Cepe
723- Ndongo Alima Jean Lucien Cap
724- Ndongo Ekani Joseph Martial Cepe
725- Nessom Michel Christian Bepc
726- Nga Christian Bepc
727- Ngah Essomba Albertine Angeline Cepe
728- Ngambi Ayissi Célestin Cepe
729- Ngangoula Minyega Thérèse Cepe
730- Nganti Amougou Elisabeth II Cap
731- Ngo Biem Cathérine Mabelle Cap
732- Njankouo Salifou Cepe
733- Nkae Effa Thérèse Bepc
734- Nkah Ebode Denise Honorine Bepc
735- Nkah Nkoua Angèle Fortune Bepc
736- Nkodo Gallus Anicet Cepe
737- Noa Abena Simon Gérard Cepe
738- Noah Ngono Salome Cepe
739- Ntede Gérôme Cap
740- Ntock Bidoung Victor Cepe
741- Nyatong Ngalli Florence Bepc
742- Oba Armand Cepe
743- Okala Oyie Nicolle Bac
744- Ongba Fegue Simon Eric Bac
745- Onana Joseph Endoxie Cepe
746- Ondoua Zambo Albert Christian Cepe
747- Owoundi Obang Jean Désiré Cepe
748- Sadang François Parson Bac
749- Samba Andjongo Bertrand Probatoire
750- Sen Thérèse Probatoire
751- Soua née Mbama Marie Rose Thècle Bac
752- Talom Gilbert Vitalyce Cap
753- Tatsinkou Hedge Guillaume Cepe
754- Tchouigoua Kapya Clarisse Laure Probatoire
755- Telé Labou Hortense Cepe
756- Tina François II Cap
757- Tsimi Onana Etienne Bertin Cap
758- Tumenta Clovis Johnson Cepe
759- Vouri Dieudonné Cepe
760- Yene Belibi Ernest Bienvenu Bac
761- Yombi A Zock née Mbani Ngoa Rachel h. Bepc
762- Zambo André Bepc
763- Zanga Ndjock Avom Antoine Cap
764- Zibi Alain Michel Cap

Services du Premier ministre
765- Bete Rebecca Cap
766- Heuda Innocent Cepe
767- Leguemo Nadine Cepe
768- Mbela Jean Baptiste Cepe
769- Mekalo Ernest Phénicien Probatoire
770- Mindjimba Ayong François Didier Bepc
771- Ngambe Nessonkou Gérard Cap+Permis
772- Nkoumou Mendo Jeanne Sylvette Cap
773- Nomo Appolinaire Bac
774- Obongono Christian Olivier Licence
775- Tchanang Domkam Lucienne Bp
776- Tonfack Elise Naemi Bepc
777- Zanga Atangana Robert Bepc

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Condoms a Symbol of Freedom?

Condoms a symbol of freedom? Freedom from what? Freedom from moral restrain? Freedom from responsible behaviour? Freedom from God's commandments? Freedom to live the way we want. What have condoms freed us from? Condoms have freed us to break our marital vows? Freedom to have sex and not deal with the out come? Freedom for sexually transmitted grades? Freedom for sexually transmitted promotions and job offers? Freedom for chop a chop in the area of sex?

This debt is not pitching the church against science. Some of us give the impression that science has the moral high ground and that science answers all. I strongly disagreed with your position. Science deals with the physical, it deals with what you can touch, taste, see and feel. Science has no spiritual component and to denial the spiritual in the name of science is dishonesty.
Science deals with the how and not the why. Science does not add any purpose or intrinsic value to our actions. The spiritual deals with the why and gives us purpose and meaning. I said condoms are treating the symptoms of a problem and not the root of the problem. As such they are very limited. Let me repeat, who amongst us will put on a fire proof vest and jump into fire? Many of us will not. Having sex with an HIV positive person is doing just that. Therefore take the risk at your own peril. How many of you who preach the use of condoms, will knowing have sex with someone that is HIV positive?
Some say abstinence is not possible. Is that? I practice abstinence. I am presently married and belong to my spouse alone. I have been able to do that, because I believe that life is more than flesh and blood. That is, I am a spiritual being. That God is my creator and that He who gave me sexual emotions has limits to how these emotions have to be expressed. Experimenting with multiple partners in the name of gaining experience is a big lie. You will not get any gratification if you chose that path. Some say you can not eat the same food everyday. What a blatant lie. Sex within the context of marriage and a loving caring and unselfish relationship gets better and better as the days go by. The unfortunate thing is that, because we are a people that have lost their spiritual bearing, we tend to be selfish and self centered. We want to enjoy sex, but we do not want to make any meaningful investment in our relationship. Love is a verb, it is action and it takes
hard work to make relationships work. How many people are willing to give what it takes?
We have been told that if it feels good then do it. That is another lie. We must go back to our spiritual roots then we will be able to grow and acquire the ability to show restrain. Please do not be quick to point to the priest, pastors, leaders and other Christians who do not show restrain. The question is what are you as an individual doing? The failure of others is not an excuse not to do your own part.
I will be the last person to encourage my love ones to live in disobedience to the law of God. I know some of us do not believe in the existence of any Deity. You are entitle to your believe, but know that you will reap only what you sow. HIV is here and it is not going away anytime soon. If you want to be HIV free, show restrain and do not sleep with multiple partners.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Responding to post on asylum by Prince Hamilton

I am glad that you brought up this issue. There is nothing bad with seeking asylum and all those who qualify should go for it.
Is that the case with all the asylum seekers from Cameroon and other third world countries that flock to the US and other western countries?
Nobody refuses the fact that there is suppression of freedom of speech, sex, religion etc in Cameroon. But this does not justify lying to get papers. What a Shame, that people who say the present regime in Cameroon wants to kill them, get asylum and join the ruling party in the US.
A asylum is bad for Cameroon, when people falsify information about the country and its leaders to get papers to live in the West. It is equal to selling a piece of the country to make end meet for you. It is selfishness at the highest level. We justify it by saying that we want to survive. Yes our leaders have taken our freedoms because they want to survive. We do not care about the negative impact of our act on the country such as discouraging tourism and foreign investors that will create jobs for other Cameroonians. What about the general perception of the country by outsiders? We do not care if they consider us barbaric so long as we paint our fellow Cameroonians like that and get papers. Shame on us. No two wrongs can make a right. We will continue to suffer, because majority of us only think about our personal benefit and not about the future. Our Ancestors did the same when they sold our people into slavery. The sellers wanted the good things the white man brought. Today we want the "good things" in the west at all cost.
How many of you who have been granted asylum ever stood for any course in Cameroon? How many of you are standing for any course right now that will benefit the country? Or you lied got the asylum and is sneaking through the back door via Nigeria to go to Cameroon and show off. Yes show to the others left in the country how rich you have become and how unfortunate they are. Shame on us for being so selfish and self centered. How can we ever make life better for others when we are so occupied with just our survival? What are we wiling to dies for? Nothing, we sell out to soon and for us anything goes as long as it benefits us at the moment.
Yes you declared asylum and is still being paid by the Cameroonian government. Wonders shall never end. No doubt we are suffering and it seems there is not hope for us as a people. What explanation do we give to the fact that Cameroon and many other African countries are blessed with so many natural resources, yet we are so poor. I know the obvious answer is to point fingers to our leaders. Why do we always blame our leaders, when we are not different from them. Those who have lied and are encouraging others to declare asylum justify their action that they want to survive. Yes you want to survive and our leaders are also surviving. Since both of you are surviving you will just behave like them if you were made a leader. That is why for change to come to our country we have to change our attitude towards how we face our challenges. We have to learn to walk in truth. We must obey our laws and the laws of other countries. We have to stop selling our country in the name of survival. No doubt Cameroon only exist in name.That is many only believe in taking out and never putting back anything. Those that embezzle, corrupt, steal, lie etc. do it in the name of survival. Yes they believe in helping them selves at the expense of the country. You have to stop it and make up your mind to stand for the truth. If you have already declared false asylum do not encourage others to do the same. Do not invite people to the US with the intention of them coming here and going under round when they applied for visitor visas. We have mad it very difficult for others to be granted visitor visas because people get them come here and tell blatant lies that they were persecuted in Cameroon. The system is no longer working just like we have made our country a hopeless place to live in. Because nothing works. We must start standing up for things. When salaries our cut, we should press for better working conditions, instead of accepting the salaries knowing fully well that we are not going to do the job well. We get into other business ventures and justify it that we are not receiving adequate pay. Who are we deceiving? Shame on us.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chop Farm

Chop a chop has ruined our country and will continue to do so. Shame on all who consider our country a "chop farm". They take out and do not put back anything. Please do not be quick to castigate others. First make sure your hands are clean. For in most cases when a finger is pointing at others four of your fingers are pointing back to you. There is no small or big offense. The attitude of "chop a chop" is the principal problem and has to be dealt with squarely for our country to change.
"Chop a chop" is manifested in many ways and the underlying concept is that, the laws of the country can be broken with impunity at anytime to further your personal agenda at the expense of the country. For how many birth of our birth certificates are false? No doubt the country does not have a clear picture of the demographics. As such basic amenities can not be provided. How many students graduated with STG ( sexually transmitted grades). No wonder unemployment and in competence is rampant in the country. What about those that secured jobs, because they paid huge bribes? Are you surprised when the insist on collecting bribe from others when they start working? It is pay back time they say. What about those declaring political asylum in a multitude of western countries? Well the justification is that the country is to bad and they have to do whatever it takes to survive. Yes it is tough in Cameroon, but some of you in the west are still on the government pay roll l. Well Cameroon is a "chop farm" and given the slightest opportunity most people want to chop.
Shame on us. We are quick to say "chop a chop" is inevitable, that it is practiced in other countries, even in the west. Yes, there is some truth in that, but we have exaggerated our own. Is the west not some how better than us? If they were not we would not be rushing to the west in grooves as we are doing. Let us read some of these stories of blatant embezzlement in between the lines be continued.