Chop can be translated as eat, food, or cut.“Chop a chop” is a Pidgin English phrase which means one turn deserves another. Chop a chop can also mean “scratch my back I scratch your back” This implies again that one turn deserves another. A better way to put it is ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER GOOD TURN. Therefore there is nothing wrong or immoral with chop a chop or scratch my back I scratch your back per say. What makes these phrases good or bad is the context in which they are used.
As such this blog is dedicated to address the issue of tribalism, embezzlement, bribery and corruption disregard for the law and unfruitful elections. Chop a Chop has lead to some of the poverty, joblessness political, religious, and social economic woes that are facing Cameroon and other third world countries.
It is no longer a secret most of the third world countries are plagued with poverty, bad governance, bribery and corruption. One way possible explanation is that these countries practice the wrong form of chop a chop. I said chop a chop, because for bribery to occur, they have to be a giver and a receiver. The giver is motivated by the benefit (chop) while the receiver is also motivated by the rewards (chop) the bribe with bring.